Weight loss for women

Weight loss

Weight loss is often the center of attention, with obesity posing a real threat. Indeed, more than 40% of the French population is overweight! Being overweight is a problem for all people who are a little strong because they no longer dare to expose their body and even end up neglecting it completely. Sometimes even, some people totally assume their overweight and prefer to transform it into a physical quality. This non-conformist attitude actually hides a truth that no one will be able to contradict: taking charge of yourself when you have completely given up is a difficult process to undertake . However, losing weight is not only a factor of aesthetic beauty, but also and above all of good health.Being overweight leads to many serious and fatal pathologies, which can however be avoided by taking control of your body, your eating habits and your sports activities.

How do women gain weight?


Some women gain weight very easily, even if they eat a fairly healthy diet. Metabolic factors, thyroid problems, diabetes and family liabilities are often correlated. Indeed, if the body is genetically programmed to store calories in the form of fat, the slightest dietary difference is immediately felt . For these people, knowing how to determine the causes of weight gain is crucial in order to then take the necessary measures. In any case, a diet low in carbohydrates and rich in proteins and good fats of the omega 3 type can literally reverse the situation, even if the implementation of this type of food program can be very difficult at first sight.

A bad lifestyle

The French of the 21st century eat out more often, never skip an aperitif, tend to snack and move very little. Food anarchy, saturated with fast sugars, saturated fats and low in fiber and essential fatty acids ends up disrupting the body, which must fight against incessant variations in insulin levels. In the long term, the body can no longer properly capture calories and becomes resistant to this insulin . This resistance is responsible for virtually all inflammatory and chronic diseases, including the deadliest. The lack of balance in the diet is by far the main factor contributing to weight gain, overweight and obesity.

The pill, implants, and all birth control devices containing hormones are linked to impaired metabolism . Women who use them often note weight gain in the form of fat and water retention, as well as poor venous return. And often, they notice that they have more appetite, especially for sweet foods. Female hormones are useful to protect the body, to fight against osteoporosis, to maintain good elasticity of the skin and more resistant hair . But when it is supplemented, the health risks are real  : venous problem, risk of heart attack, increased blood pressure, electrolyte imbalance, etc.

Which diet to adopt?

It is imperative that women watch their carbohydrate intake . Above all, they must absolutely avoid consuming fast sugars such as confectionery, sodas, alcohol or cakes. Fast sugars force the pancreas to secrete a lot of insulin to allow the penetration of blood glucose into the tissues, and a chronic elevation of these levels promotes the famous insulin resistance, which causes diabetes, high cholesterol levels, weight gain, water retention and cellulite. To reduce the risk of weight gain, women should eat low carbohydrates(less than 100g per day) and favor sources rich in fiber such as sweet potato, oatmeal, quinoa and brown rice.

Priority to proteins and good fats

Eating healthy to keep body fat low and healthy is actually not complicated. Protein is the absolute go-to nutrient , and foods that contain it include:

Also, unsaturated fats are essential  ; they reduce inflammation, keep joints in good condition, improve insulin sensitivity , moderate appetite and aid in weight loss .

What diet to lose weight

Foods rich in fiber not only improve intestinal transit and thus keep the stomach flat, but they also promote weight loss. Indeed, fibers reduce the speed of assimilation of food , with the following consequences: a reduction in the glycemic index, a moderation of appetite and a better overall assimilation of nutrients, which reinforces satiety and naturally reduces cravings. snacking and food cravings.

There are many fat burners that help with weight loss. Most often, they facilitate fat burning by increasing metabolism , reducing hunger, promoting renal elimination of water, and converting stored fat into energy. Fat burners can be lipotropic or thermogenic . Thermogenic formulas containing caffeine are the most popular, but lipotropic actives are also very famous for fat burning, such as l -carnitine or CLA. Also, protein powder can be a great help, especially for preparing snacks between meals, or as a meal replacement depending on the objective. Proteins such as casein , slow to digest and very low in calories, are preferred for weight loss.

Most women looking to shed pounds are so afraid of building muscle mass that they avoid weight training and only do cardio. This is a mistake, because knowing how to tone your muscles is the most effective way to force the body to burn fat . To get this tone, weight training in the gym is the most reliable solution, but there are other sports where you can also stimulate your body to facilitate weight loss: crossfit and crosstraining in general, sprinting, sports combat and all strength sports.

Choose the right cardio

There are two types of cardio , to build endurance but also to burn fat better. Depending on your parallel sports activities and your physical condition, both can be very effective.

If you do muscle building or bodybuilding , we recommend cardio static at moderate intensity. It will serve to enhance calorie burning and better fat burning.

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