Young people, how to take care of their health? 7 keys to staying in top shape

take care of their health

You are not sick? So much the better ! But health is much more than that and it needs to be maintained. It is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. So far it has been taken care of by your parents. But today it’s up to you to take over to stay in good shape and enjoy life to the fullest!

Polio, tuberculosis, rabies, tetanus, meningitis or even hepatitis…: today most serious infectious diseases have disappeared, thanks to vaccines, administered according to a precise schedule from an early age. To find out if you benefit from this 100% protection, start by taking stock with your doctor, using your health record. Then stay up to date with mandatory reminders to stay protected against certain diseases:

To do this, the Institut Pasteur offers you an interactive map, with the vaccines required or recommended.

1. Eat a balanced diet

Obesity and overweight kill nearly 3 million people every year, or more than 5 people per minute 1 . 800 million people suffer from it today in the world, including 124 million young people health  And the evil progresses at high speed. The cause: an unbalanced diet and an overly sedentary life. The fat cells produced during childhood and youth being much more difficult to fight than those acquired in adulthood, take the right habits now. By eating balanced 2 , that is to say:

2. Move

In addition to “junk food”, physical inactivity is the 2nd cause of overweight and obesity. Not to mention that it also promotes musculoskeletal disorders, cardiovascular diseases and depression. So, to stay in shape and fill up on endorphins:

Increase your physical activity, with at least 30 minutes of exercise per day: gym, cycling, running or any other sport, preferably outside.

3. Take care of your teeth

If the oral health of the French has improved significantly in recent years thanks to prevention during childhood, dental capital is never 100% acquired, it is maintained. Because the mouth is the gateway to our health. Oral inflammation, even without symptoms, can indeed migrate to other organs and promote cardiovascular disease; Bad dental occlusion can cause digestion problems and bad breath can cause relationship problems. To avoid getting there: some good reflexes:

Brush your teeth morning and evening for 2 minutes with fluoride toothpaste, insisting on the spaces between the teeth with dental floss or brushes, then an alcohol-free mouthwash.

Avoid sodas and artificial drinks, even those with sweeteners, because their acidity attacks the enamel of your teeth.

4. Get rid of possible addictions

Tobacco kills 75,000 people in France 2 each year and alcohol almost 50,000 2 , making it the two leading causes of death. We may know it, we continue to smoke and drink to excess, especially when we are young. To avoid the devastating effects of these addictions:

Do not start smoking or stop smoking as soon as possible. Because if some can smoke without ever having serious health problems, others may develop cancer and smoke 1 cigarette a day.

Limit yourself to 2 drinks of alcohol a day, 5 days a week. Beyond that, we are in addiction.

Get help if you can’t do it on your own. Addiction services and anti -tobacco consultations exist in all hospitals and in towns.

Less frequent, addictions to recreational or hard drugs are nevertheless proportionally more dangerous because the proportion of users who are hit with serious consequences is higher. Here too, there are consultations and detoxification centres. to get help.

5. Protect yourself from STDs

It is not because there are treatments for HIV today that it has disappeared. It remains a serious chronic disease that forces patients to take lifelong treatment, with side effects and a reduced quality of life. Not to mention the other sexually transmitted diseases: syphilis, herpes, cancers, etc.

6. Track your health online

With digital tools, tracking your health, finding a doctor and getting reimbursed has become child’s play. All insured persons have an ameli account that they can activate from the age of 18. It will allow you to follow your reimbursements, your sickness benefits and your procedures with Social Security online. Most complementary mutuals also offer one.

And to truly become a player in your health, don’t forget to activate “My health space” . This virtual health record brings together the history of your possible pathologies and your treatments, the reports of your doctor, your analysis results, and everything related to your health. Beyond that, my health space is also a secure messaging service to exchange with your doctors, a health diary and a catalog of applications referenced by the State.

Infographic provided by treatment center in Arizona, Fountain Hills Recovery

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